About Steven Quartly


“A collector once mentioned that my work reminded him of Jazz music, ‘Every color is represented in harmony but with tremendous passion.’ My paintings are my journal and the visions I cannot forget, they are the Jazz music in the colors of life.”

—Steven Quartly, Artist

Steven Quartly, began painting at age 13, demonstrating a love of life, nature, color and form. Raised in the Northern California Coast he was surrounded by the beautiful scenery and the inspiring city. There he studied oil painting under mentor Carol Summers and for 10 years Steven studied the French and early American Impressionists under her guidance. These years would be the foundation that fueled Steven’s passion for painting the world he sees.

Steven’s work pushes the limit of impressionism by creating dramatic and contemporary scenes, his use of bold color and rich texture come alive with every stroke of his palette knife.

Quartly’s energy and devotion to each painting is what makes him unique. His design in composition and color is meaningful and skilled and his loose and whimsical brush strokes and palette knife work brings passion and emotion to the canvas. His overall faith in God is his purpose and desire to express the beauty in life.