Bubble Art


Bubble Art

Edition: 300 | Metal Print | Various Sizes

Metal Print is a dye sublimation process where the ink is infused into a special coating on the metal which produces a glossy and vibrant end result.

Bubble Art Humpback whales visit Hawaii each winter for mating and reproductive activities. Males often blow massive streams of bubbles as an aggressive display when competing with other males for the privilege of escorting a female. However, this lone female was emitting just a light stream of bubbles, apparently for her own amusement, when she approached my boat, then dove under the boat, swimming in a large circle to create a massive bubble ring and other fanciful forms from the shimmering silver beads of air expelled from her blowholes. She appeared to be painting with air in a creative manner, although her motives cannot be known. In this case, the whale was the artist, and I merely captured and preserved the moment.

037770; Reg: VAu 1-232-317; Capture: 01/18/15 2021 - 3Q cover of Alert Diver Magazine (in color)



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