Cave Of Ancient Mariners


Cave Of Ancient Mariners

Edition: 400 | Metal Print | Various Sizes

Metal Print is a dye sublimation process where the ink is infused into a special coating on the metal which produces a glossy and vibrant end result.

Cave of the Ancient Mariners Turtles evolved about the same time as dinosaurs, but outlasted them, both on land and in the seas. Hawaiian green sea turtles, or “honu” in Hawaiian, are genetically and physically distinct from green turtles elsewhere. They also exhibit unique behaviors, such as “basking,” or coming ashore to rest, which is rarely observed elsewhere. Honu bask both by day and night. Sleeping ashore probably conserves energy, as the honu do not have to surface to breathe or fight waves or currents. Furthermore they do not have predators ashore, but risk attack by tiger sharks in the water. Drying their skin and shells may also reduce growth of algae and external parasites. They are especially fond of secluded locations, such as this seashore cavern with no easy access by land. The image “Cave of the Ancient

Mariners” is a composite of multiple raw camera files captured at the same spot within a short time frame, but combined to create a high dynamic range (HDR) image. The camera sensor cannot record nearly as broad a variation from light to dark as can the human eye, so multiple exposures must be taken to include the entire range of brightness values that the human eye processes automatically.

Turtle-grn-top-13   reg: VAu 1-399-948  capture: 10/04/19





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